
Low price and high quality coolers in China

Low price, very effective in low humidity. Has a strong fan when not using the cooling feature. Timer works well. Has an oscillating feature,  A plastic body that cannot rust like those made of sheet metal or tin.
It's been in the high 90s to the low 100's here in the China, with low humidity and it's kept whatever room it is in cool enough to not have to turn on the AC.
It's no air conditioner, but it's a low in cost [to purchase and to run]alternative you could even say was an "eco-friendly" way to stay comfortable in the summer. But then, my friends had to talk me out of buying a wringer washing machine, so my opinion is based on my personal preference for simplicity and old fashioned ways of doing things.
Take my review as you will. It does what it says it will. If you have frequent high humidity, it won't be effective and the company tells you that so be forewarned. I find it to be a great buy and it runs quietly as well.

